Showing posts with label big issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big issue. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 May 2019

big issue


niche market

circulation-number of copies they sell
readership-total number of people likely to read
mass audience -readership on a larger scale
niche audience-small market
subscription- reader pays for a set number of magazine in advance at a lower price and receives them by post

hand up not a hand out

masthead=title of magazines
plug- text that 'plugs' a feature that will appear inside.
puff-story given prominence on the cover
cover star- stars that feature on cover
anchorage text- text that anchors main image and gives it context/meaning
banner-text that runs across lower section of cover
skyline- text that runs across top of cover

advertising accounts for 70%
audience is 30%

100,000 sold each week
£2.50 sold -1.25 goes to trader
made £5 billion -2013
under 40,000 bed spaces

hybrid genre

stranger things characters

Representations Write a paragraph on each of these areas •Teenagers Main people who are showed throughout the episode, very impo...