Showing posts with label industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label industry. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

charity essay

2. The color scheme in this advert would influence that the red is danger, violence and anger whereas the rest of the colors are mostly black and white. The basic colors would connote to the sense of seriousness about the issue and also shows that homelessness is a big issue and is a serious issue.
This would help present one easily recognizable message without much inference from the audience. The advert also contains emotive language in order to gain empathy from the audience. The words that are presented across the faces of the people would create a blood shot effect as the red is over the eyes that creates an affect that they look tired and depressed.

They have used a rhetorical question in the first image, as well as strong built, bold writing which effects the reader because they question themselves. ‘But where will we live’ gives the impression that the audience has a responsibility in assisting others – to do ‘their bit’ or all they can for the charity. Without funding and charity supporters, people wouldn’t be cared for. As a result, it has a strong message that we are all equal and should try and make a difference. The words helps the audience’s imagination play a key role to expect the worse and feel very sympathetic to those in need or imagine a family/friend or relative to be in that situation. The social context helps portray the seriousness of the problem as many homeless are clearly visible in most towns and cities.

This poster doesn’t have a variety of diversity, this shoes that anyone can potentially become homeless, therefore it shows there is no stereotype for people that become homeless which is emphasized by the 'normal' looking people on the poster. There is a possibility that the individuals presented are ethnically diverse however there isn't much evidence. The expressions on the faces are very bland and serious, this is ambiguous as it helps represent how anyone can become homeless however it allows the reader visualize the advert as they desire some worrying more than others-. As the pale plain faces connotes that the people may be feeling weak and vulnerable however the Shelter charity can help vigorously reverse this.

Shelter value SAFETY ensuring that people are living are in a safe community ‘free from harassment from rogue landlords ‘Shelter value SECURITY making sure people have a long term tenancy so people can live without the threat of eviction Shelter value affordability having enough homes built so that everyone has the opportunity to buy or rent homes. Shelter values people, they want to do everything in their power to ensure people have all of the three values above. We can see this in the 3 poster adverts because they have chosen to use the faces of the people who are confronted with these problems to show the public the truth.

In conclusion, I believe that the images are used to show the inequalities of wealth in society (Shown through the lack of emotion on the posters), In addition this creates a sense of sympathy from the audience as innocent people are losing their homes. Postmodernism is used to show shocking images of innocent children to create a shock and reaction to try and gain peoples support and financial gain.

Thursday, 28 February 2019


1. How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his YouTube channel?Over 5 million subscribers on his main channel and over a million on his second channel
2) How many years has he been doing this?He's been uploading to YouTube for over 5 years
3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?His fan base kept asking him to make YouTube videos on Minecraft so he did it
4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?Balance both Call of Duty and Minecraft videos and try to merge them together
5) Describe his average working dayWakes up between 12-2pm, turn on setup and start the computer, then get ready and by 3-4pm, makes 3 videos a day. 2 videos on the mine-craft channel then another video of cod channel. makes the 1st video for 7 then next for 10pm then final video 1am. 
6) Why might we watch YouTubers?Viewers like watching YouTubers to get ideas and their point of view of how they take the challenge, whilst supporting the creators
7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?Twitch is a live streaming service which allows viewers to watch people play video games in live time. Average viewer spends 4 hours.
8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? Go to to check your answer.Roughly $2.5million
9) How much was Minecraft purchased for? 2.5 billion
10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a) Money b) To expand to all of the different devices c) New audience to Microsoft 
11) How might this affect the game? Oversee the development in the future, offers more support and infrastructure so mine-craft can be made bigger and better in the future,
12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?The community 

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

750 word essay

Radio 1 breakfast shows have selected the host specifically due to their ability to interact with an audience well as they have a big following over social media and on radio due to the lively and bubbly personality. They must have this great user interaction to reach their viewing targets. They do this type of interactions like polls and actual games to hook the listeners on and make them feel apart of the show so they gain the connection with the hosts and radio presenters.
For example, Nick Grimshaw has been involved in the past the pasty, an incredibly simple challenge but the way they involve different people, therefore, showing different classes and personality along the way gets people to talk and deliberating, about the show each day or at different times within the segment. Whether their comments of the show are on the radio 1 website or Instagram or in person but mainly their response is on twitter as it is an instant media. They way they got people hooked on such a simple of task of getting a pasty to someone who had never tried one before, just made it even more fun as it had a purpose, no matter how insignificant the purpose it was, it made it fun and the humor helped carry this game along.
Also recently the panic room with Greg James when they captured him and he was only allowed out with the code that he had to figure out and he had no internet only twitter and incoming calls from the audience, to help try and solve each part to get the code and as the riddle was so in-depth and wild it was able to be dragged out for  a whole week before he was able to find out the code. But as it was so long it had loads of different and interesting characters giving their opinion and thoughts on the matter to create discussions to ten get people talking about it and creating this sense of involvement with the public which increases the figures as more people will try and help. Again, this will involve all different classes of people from B all the way to D as everyone can listen to the radio as it’s a free service, so people have no problem tuning in even just for a brief moment to check what’s going on.
They also use polls on Instagram and Twitter to get immediate votes and decisions on how the show is going to pay out to the audience feel as if they are playing a big part and even if your not listing and just scrolling through your feed that might draw you in and entice you to into listening to find out what’s actually going on In the show. For example they use this for the music hour where the audience chooses what songs get played for an hour so they can vote between a selection of choice’s and after the next song that song then gets played and it shows fans joining in but also tells the show what songs their audience is liking at the moment so is in a way a bit of primary research and therefor can help the DJs select the right music and then improve figures.
Another example is the radio 1 big weekend the biggest show that radio  put on every ear with the biggest acts f that year headlining their best songs and then this is released first on the show live on air so then people join in to find out who’s there to see if they want to buy tickets to go and there for another form of interacting. Plus, they release special guests on socials so that people get discussing it and then join into the live show that they can see the exclusive interviews with the guests in anticipation of the big weekend.

To conclude, radio 1 try as best as they can to get their fans and audience to be involved and cater to their audiences best interest as this will help keep the fans coming back and the fact it is easy and free to access all of the interaction this means every single kind of person can then join in so no one feels left and out all have a connection to one another like one big family. Radio 1 have done a good job in including all into the accommodating show.

Thursday, 31 January 2019

interview script

jungle book interview

What was the task you were assigned?
We were assigned to create an interview pretending to be people that made the Disney jungle book, we had to film and edit to make it look like it was a professional interview. we created a script of the questions and answers from the questions. This interview has to roughly 2-3 minutes long that has questions answered by the 

What program did you use to complete your task? I used premiere pro to edit the clips that I filmed on my phone, this allowed me to edit the backdrop of the green screen to a picture of the jungle book poster. I also used this app to trip clips as well as edit the film. After I finished editing I had to publish the final edit to YouTube as well as my blog.

What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?

the biggest obstacle that I faced when creating my interview was that we had to film a lot as we kept laughing, to improve I would have to stay in character.  

What tools/effect did you use from your program to create your task?

I used ultra key to out an effect on the individual clips where then after I would select the color green which allowed me to blank it out to look like they are in an interview room.

Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?
I think that the green screen went well and the script gave a clear explanation of the questions and answers. if I had another chance to redo it I would edit the interview so it blends into the interview more smoothly as at the moment it cuts of the trailer abruptly.

Did you complete the task on time? If not, why not?
I completed the task early as I stayed behind to edit after the lesson. 

How do you think this task will help with your Jungle Book revision?
the task will help me revise the jungle book as it has useful information that I will need to remember it will also help me remember facts and key figures. 

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Jungle Book


ways Disney market their films:

-posters                                       -interviews
-adverts (t.v)                               - sponsors
- YouTube                                   - news papers
-social media                              -word of mouth
-billboards                                  -magazines

Advert of the Jungle Book trailer -1967 

-the length of the trailer is longer
- it has a voice over throughout
- focuses on the animation
- comedic representation
- animals have more obvious identity
- Disney ownership + distribution still foregrounded

Advert of the Jungle Book trailer -2016 

- the length of the trailer is shorter
- beginning looks like a horror movie as it shows dark colors and eerie music
- promotes other films when it says "from the creators of iron man"- synergy
- promotes famous actors - star marketing
- no sense of character
-wide distribution with the big six

poster of the Jungle Book  - 1967 

- all have happy characters on the front- targets at younger generation 
-tag line is colloquial - shows alteration
- bright colors shows enthusiasm that the film is in color 
- no ones scary 
- upbeat element 

poster of the Jungle Book - 2016

- the advert is more scarier
-high production values 
-more detail in all the scenes 
-longer wait for the film as the posters were released a long time before 
-3 part poster - triptych

consume films of different platform e.g cinema, sky, DVD  

jungle book

- Production
-Marketing, distribution + funding
- Technology + convergence
- Regulation

Brand loyalty
Focused on target audience
Take risks- as they have the money if it doesn't work out
access to all the latest technology

Disney is the #1 distributor in 2016 and 2017 $177 million budget

Ray-tracking new way light interacts to make them look real
motion resolution

key words:
techni color
cel animation sheets

stranger things characters

Representations Write a paragraph on each of these areas •Teenagers Main people who are showed throughout the episode, very impo...