Wednesday 26 September 2018

boyz in da hood

  • The camera zoomed into the stop sign to show that the things happening should stop.
  • camera uses crab left to look like were walking with the children.
  • ped up ped down was used to show all the rubbish the boy was standing on, as the streets aren't clean. 
  • low angle on the children in the class room, to show the children are innocent.  
  • high angle on the teacher to show that the teacher is more powerful and is in control of the children.
Mise En Scene

  • Dogs are running around the streets with no owners that are spreading diseases.
  •  "Police line do not cross" bright yellow tape to symbolize caution.   
  • The costumes that the actors are wearing are over sized and look too big for them.


  • In beginning you can hear people aggressively swearing and saying negative comments. 
  • There is a sound of a gun in the opening scene with people screaming after it went off.
  • police calls "officer needs assistance".


  • The opening credits show the title grow from the background to big bold letters enabling the audience to read it after exceeding the screen to make it look like its going beyond the camera.
  • Real quotes appear on the screen that show true facts.
  • Mans blood fades into the children happy painting, to show the clear differences.


Friday 21 September 2018

ghost ship

Four main techniques people recognize 

-close up on the wire
-birds eye: creates importance of the ship deck
-the framing of girl > center film

-happy music/ upbeat
-intense music
-music>echos quiet
-sound of machinery
-sound effects

Mise en scene
-a dark filter over the man who sets up the wire
-red dress>danger
-pink swirly writing
-dark setting> hints at what is going to happen
-spotlights slashing

-mixtures of speeds and cut > confuses
-changes mood
-during the death scene it flicks between lots of different scene to fit the music

Tuesday 18 September 2018

first youtube post

The task we got given was to create a short film using different effects, this was the final outcome of the clip i edited. This was the first video i edited, where i chose different clips and put effects on them to make them fit together. I also put background music in and edited the clips to fit around the music, i did this all on the app called premier pro. 

Monday 17 September 2018

camera shot angles and movement

 Different types of camera shots

Close up shot is used a lot in the film industry, it is used to tightly zoom in to a person or an object. Close-up shots display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene.

 Medium long shot is used when a subject in the shot is showing information, it is the most common type to be used. It commonly used at the beginning of a new scene or location.   
 Big close up is used to tightly frame an object or a person, it is one of the standard shots used regularly in the film industry. This would normally be used to show detail and can also be used as a cut-in 

An extreme long shot is a view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance. It makes people seem like indistinct shapes. It is generally used to set a scene, it normally shows an exterior object.

This is used to make a person or an object appear as small dots in the landscape if at all, this allows the camera to show extreme detail that you would normally see in person. As it is too close to show emotion or reactions it would only be used in very dramatic scenes 

Eye-level is when the camera is placed at the subject's height just like the actor is looking at the lens, this is used commonly as they show a neutral scene like two people talking to each other.  

Longshot is used to make people appear as indistinct shapes as they are normally shot from considerable distance. This would typically show the entire human figure, it would be used when an actor is doing a physical activity.

Low angle is where the camera is lower than the actor's height but is tilted up to show their face. this is used to make someone look more strong and powerful or makes them threatening. 

Medium close up tightly frames a person or an object, they are one of the standard shots and is used regularly. This generally frames the subject from chest or shoulder up. 

This shows part of the subject in more detail, typically from waist up. This is a common shot seen in a film, as it allows you to see the character but also see their surroundings.

High angle is where the camera is placed about the subject's height and is pointed down on them. This created the effect that they are vulnerable, weak or frightened. 

This is taken from directly overhead from the distance. the shot allows the audience to see a wider variety of their surroundings and is typically shot from a crane or a helicopter. This is used to show people moving. 

Where the camera is set at an angle on its roll axis so that the horizon line is not level. This is normally to show a disoriented or uneasy psychological state.

This is where the camera is close to the ground and is tilted upwards to the subject. It is normally used to show that someone is powerful. 

This is used to show the subject and their surroundings in one shot, this is where the camera steps from side to side like a crab.  

Ped up ped down is where the camera moves up and down to show the subject in more detail. 

pan left pan right is used to show the different angles of the subject, it is where the camera mover left and right around the subject.

Tilt up tilt down is where the camera stays eye level but tilts up and down.

Track in track out is where the camera moves in and out but stays level with the subject. 

Zoom in zoom out is where the camera stays in the same place but the camera zooms in and out.

Thursday 13 September 2018

big six

The Big Six  

summer work task 4-

The 'big six' represent the six most popular companies within the film industry they are:

  • Walt Disney Pictures
  • Universal Studios
  • 20th-century fox
  •  Paramount 
  • Columbia Pictures.
  • warner bros pictures 

 This might become the 'big five' due to Disney buying 20th-century fox and then it would become the big five.

The big five are the top six biggest film companies, they all own little companies that branch off which makes them more well known and creates more income.

what other companies do the big six own?

Walt Disney pictures - Marvel, Pixar, ABC television group, ESPN Inc, Walt Disney park and resort
Universal Studios- NBC Universal, Universal Studios (theme park) 
20th-Century Fox - Fox news, Fox music
Paramount - CBS library
Columbia Pictures- play station, Toshiba
Warner Bros Pictures - DC comics

Paramount Pictures- 

The total worldwide income that Baywatch received was $177.8 million against a production budget of $69 million. Paramount advertised through television and youtube trailers. The release date that Baywatch came out was 29th may 2017.
Actors = Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, David Hasselhoff, and Pamela Anderson.

Walt Disney Studios-

The total amount for the budget was 200 million USD  $504.382 million in 24 days of domestic release. The release date that Incredibles 2 came out was 13th July 2018.
The most famous people that did the voice over was Samuel L Jackson and Craige T Nelson.

Universal Studios-

The total income that Jurassic world fallen kingdom received was $1 billion where the budget was set at $150 million USD. The release date that Jurassic world fallen kingdom previewed on was 6th June 2018. 
Actors= Bryce Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt, Jeff Goldblum.

20th Century Fox- 

The film grossed $40 million worldwide against its $34 million production budget. The release date was 10th August 2018. 
Actors=Amandla Stenberg, Gwendoline Christie

Columbia Pictures- 

It grossed over $962 million worldwide, becoming the fifth-highest-grossing film of 2017 and the 42nd-highest-grossing film of all time. The budget, however, was $90 million the release date was 20th December 2017. The famous actors were = Kevin Heart, Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Jack Black, Nick Jonas.

Warner Bros Pictures-

The total budget was $22 million whereas the total income was $64,668,768. The release date was 7th September 2018 with famous actors such as Taissa Farmiga and Bonnie Aarons.

example for semiotics

Denotation- There's a big monster shaped red-figure in the top above all the characters
Connotation- This implies that its the villain due to the red coloring and the lightning suggesting its negative. 

Denotation-  There's a little girl holding out her hands directly in the center

Connotation- This suggests that she has powers or trying to stop something bad; she's protecting herself and her friends.
Denotation- Three young boys at the front on old-fashioned bikes
Connotations- This would imply that the series is set in the past as they are also wearing dated clothes.                                                                                                                                                     

Denotation- Boy with a metal spiked rounders bat on the right   
Connotations- This could indicate that there's something that he needs to fight as he's carrying around a weapon

Denotation- Boy looking shocked in the center
Connotation- This could imply that there's something to be scared of

Denotation- Sheriff with a flashlight on the left
Connotation- This would indicate that theres something that needs to be investigated 



we read images and pictures in an attempt to decode them and make sense of what they mean to us.

what we see when we look at an image (what it is)

what we understand from this image (what other meanings it has)

red= anger, love negativity, aggression, socialism, communism, danger, blood, heat, passion.
blue= calm, ice, cold, boys, water, sadness, royalty, trueness.
yellow= cowardice, sunshine, electricity, happiness, summer, caution, hope.
green= envy, greed, nature, growth, grass, youth, money.


summer task 3-

Image result for are you beach body ready model

The image of the advert campaign for weight loss tables displayed in the London undergrounds showed a young model with a slim figure. 'Beach body' implies that you have to look a certain way to look good when you go to the beach. This could affect people that aren't happy with their weight or don't have time to exercise. This has been banned due to the offensive implication, and many people complaining to protein word and branding the advert as 'offensive' and 'sexist'.

This advert, however, shows body confidence and shows that you should be happy with yourself no matter what impurities you have. This advert differs with the first as its more realistic and doesn't show any signs of photoshop. It helps women as it shows that you should be confident with yourself,  and not worry about what anyone thinks. this compares with the first one as it expresses their body. both ads controversy each other and represent different things.

top three media

Personally, my favorite media form is social media. Where I browse through various different apps such as snap-chat and Instagram, I enjoy talking to my friends and family members that live further away and I can't see as much. Social media also helps me make new friends that I wouldn't have seen or met if the apps didn't exist. I also like how I can share memories with my friends and remember a fun event that we both went to.

My second favorite media form is television, where I always watch in the background what I'm doing. I enjoy watching series on Netflix such as Gossip girl and vampire diaries I like these as I can relate to the characters as most of them are teenagers, this also helps due to the target audience being my age. I also like that they have a variety of genres such as comedy, thriller, drama, and mystery.                     
Thirdly, I enjoy music where I listen to it most places I go such as at school, in the car, at home and the gym. I also like how music has different genres as well as films, I mostly listen to pop charts as they have singing as well as a good bass. 

daily mail

summer task 3-

The image above of a news article clearly demonstrates that the title can capture the reader's attention straight away. This allows the reader to instantly know what is happening without having to read the whole story. The sub title also shows a big part of story which captures the readers attention wanting them to purchase the news paper. 
The picture on the right is not connected to the main headline and gives false representation towards the story. The main story headline appeals to both the younger and older generation, this is because most young people like social media and also the story is about ten year olds. This also interests the older generation due to them having children and them not having social media.
 This shapes the public's perceptions on the younger generation as its a negative reputation.

Tuesday 11 September 2018


teen film 

D & I-For the first task, we created a picture that would be ideal for our chosen theme, to complete this we used the stereotypical boy texting on the school playground.  
S- On the school playground with the school building behind sitting on a bench. this creates a typical teen day.
T- the theme we created could represent loneliness due to the boy sitting all alone  
I- the significant prop we used was a mobile phone which most average teenager owns. 
N- teenage day at school
C- teenage boy
T- we captured the photo so we could have the school in the background so when the audience looked at it they would a mediately recognize it to be a school, to complete this we took it in a wide shot.


D &I- this is a picture that we took to try and resemble a sci-fi movie poster, for this, we attempted to use our hands to cup the flame with a plastic overlay so it would distort the image and create a glowing effect.
S -the scene was in a science lab. 
T- the theme could represent dauntless as it shows how fearless he is as fire is deadly and he's nearly touching the flame.
I- the significant prop we used was the bunsen burner as without it there would be no flame. Also, the plastic sheld which allowed us to distort/disfigure the image to make it look blurry.
N- daring person that isn't afraid to do something dangerous.
C- teenage boy
T- this photo demonstrates a close-up shot that doesn't allow the audience to see his face just that action that he's doing.

summer work

summer work task 1:

  • The fire shows how strong the character is as she’s standing close to it and it makes her look powerful as this would attract all ages as its eye-catching.

  • She doesn’t show any emotion on her face which makes her look like she’s concentrating this would attract males as this is a masculine trait

  • As she’s standing broad this attracts males as it makes her look fearless.

  • By presenting the wings straight this makes it look like she’s preparing to take off attracting the younger generation.

  • The slim female figure, which attracts male viewers.

  • The bold headline which attracts the audience as its eye-catching. It’s also central and has a big font size which draws the public’s attention. 

  • Carrying her signature bow and arrow which attracts the audience as they already know from the previous films that she’s good at it.

Deutschland 83

summer work task 2:

 Throughout the whole of the trailer, there is a strong beat in the background, the director/producer would have done this to make it sound like there is never slowing down or resting. Using the crash symbols to create the beat helps attract the audience’s attention as it’s a sort and abrupt sound but then repeated. The music creates an intense atmosphere, but later on, it changes at 0.14 seconds to fast and upbeat with a man singing in the background. It has a fast tempo due to the clip of a countdown being showed ticking to 0 seconds and after that, the music changes.

Later on, the music becomes more techno and also links because it shows videos of the mechanics. Towards the middle, it shows a strong beat with the drum in the background and also shows the sound effects taking place such as when the man punches the wall and when the gun blows off.

Throughout the whole entire trailer, in the background behind the sound effects and the music, you can hear a man on the television saying a speech on the news. The producer/director has done this to give effect and imply that the speech is important as its constantly playing throughout the whole trailer. 

during the beginning of the trailer, it shows a series of split-screen shots four in total. This is used to show the audience that the main character is living a lie as through the center of the clip it has two different words that contrast in each other for example 'solider' and 'spy' this captures the audience as they don't know what one to believe and as its set in 1986 and in war. It also gives effect as it shows the same man but in different situations and clothes.

The trailer shows a range of different camera shots for example Birdseye where we see a woman in a hospital bed just after we see a man punching. This captures the attention of the audience as women in the media are seen to be weak and men are seen as strong.

It also shows a German shepherded barking aggressively at the camera at a close-up angle. This is used as they have a reputation for obeying orders and attacking someone if they aren't following the law so it gives suspicion to the character and makes the audience question why it's doing that.


 definition of hybrid:
A combination of two genres.

Steve Neale theory:

→A man called Steve Neale stated that genres may be dominated by the repetition, but are also marked by difference, variation, and change.

→The idea that these genres change, develop and vary as they borrow and overlap with one another.

definition of genre- a type or category of
d- describe
i- in detail
s- setting (location, historical time period)
t- theme (love, guilt, revenge, good vs evil)
i- icons (significant props- weapon or wallet)
n- narrative, how the story is told, plot
c- characters boy/girl background
t- textual analysis style of camera, editing, mise en scene and sound

some of the genre examples are-

horror                                  anime                            drama

fantasy                                 romcom                         teen film

thriller                                  action                           musical

sci-fi                                    adventure                      super hero

western                                documentary                 crime

comedy                                romance                        mystery

Friday 7 September 2018


Media forms 

the different types of media forms consist of: television, music videos, radio, advertising, film, internet, newspaper, magazines, and video games. An example for television would be game of thrones and an example for a newspaper would be the sun.


intertextuality definition- the relationship between texts, especially literary ones.

examples where liar is used 


The camera view in which IKEA uses gives the impression that the family lives in a family and happy environment. This is also backed up by the upbeat music that they play throughout the whole advert. The camera angles also make it like the audience is apart of the family.
The industry that IKEA uses is a home store.
The type of audience that IKEA focuses on would be family and all ages. As there are older and younger actors this would focus on all ages.
This represents a colored family being well educated as the media portrays them to be in gangs in London but this advert changes that as the young boy did well at school and put a B on the fridge.

stranger things characters

Representations Write a paragraph on each of these areas •Teenagers Main people who are showed throughout the episode, very impo...