Monday 17 September 2018

camera shot angles and movement

 Different types of camera shots

Close up shot is used a lot in the film industry, it is used to tightly zoom in to a person or an object. Close-up shots display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene.

 Medium long shot is used when a subject in the shot is showing information, it is the most common type to be used. It commonly used at the beginning of a new scene or location.   
 Big close up is used to tightly frame an object or a person, it is one of the standard shots used regularly in the film industry. This would normally be used to show detail and can also be used as a cut-in 

An extreme long shot is a view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance. It makes people seem like indistinct shapes. It is generally used to set a scene, it normally shows an exterior object.

This is used to make a person or an object appear as small dots in the landscape if at all, this allows the camera to show extreme detail that you would normally see in person. As it is too close to show emotion or reactions it would only be used in very dramatic scenes 

Eye-level is when the camera is placed at the subject's height just like the actor is looking at the lens, this is used commonly as they show a neutral scene like two people talking to each other.  

Longshot is used to make people appear as indistinct shapes as they are normally shot from considerable distance. This would typically show the entire human figure, it would be used when an actor is doing a physical activity.

Low angle is where the camera is lower than the actor's height but is tilted up to show their face. this is used to make someone look more strong and powerful or makes them threatening. 

Medium close up tightly frames a person or an object, they are one of the standard shots and is used regularly. This generally frames the subject from chest or shoulder up. 

This shows part of the subject in more detail, typically from waist up. This is a common shot seen in a film, as it allows you to see the character but also see their surroundings.

High angle is where the camera is placed about the subject's height and is pointed down on them. This created the effect that they are vulnerable, weak or frightened. 

This is taken from directly overhead from the distance. the shot allows the audience to see a wider variety of their surroundings and is typically shot from a crane or a helicopter. This is used to show people moving. 

Where the camera is set at an angle on its roll axis so that the horizon line is not level. This is normally to show a disoriented or uneasy psychological state.

This is where the camera is close to the ground and is tilted upwards to the subject. It is normally used to show that someone is powerful. 

This is used to show the subject and their surroundings in one shot, this is where the camera steps from side to side like a crab.  

Ped up ped down is where the camera moves up and down to show the subject in more detail. 

pan left pan right is used to show the different angles of the subject, it is where the camera mover left and right around the subject.

Tilt up tilt down is where the camera stays eye level but tilts up and down.

Track in track out is where the camera moves in and out but stays level with the subject. 

Zoom in zoom out is where the camera stays in the same place but the camera zooms in and out.

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