Thursday 13 September 2018

top three media

Personally, my favorite media form is social media. Where I browse through various different apps such as snap-chat and Instagram, I enjoy talking to my friends and family members that live further away and I can't see as much. Social media also helps me make new friends that I wouldn't have seen or met if the apps didn't exist. I also like how I can share memories with my friends and remember a fun event that we both went to.

My second favorite media form is television, where I always watch in the background what I'm doing. I enjoy watching series on Netflix such as Gossip girl and vampire diaries I like these as I can relate to the characters as most of them are teenagers, this also helps due to the target audience being my age. I also like that they have a variety of genres such as comedy, thriller, drama, and mystery.                     
Thirdly, I enjoy music where I listen to it most places I go such as at school, in the car, at home and the gym. I also like how music has different genres as well as films, I mostly listen to pop charts as they have singing as well as a good bass. 

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