Monday 26 November 2018

Cons of online media:
  •  Only have 140 characters to tell the story - like on twitter 
  • Inaccurate and you will have lots of facts missing 
  • journalistic integrity can be compromised - can't trust a source too much as all journalists have their own opinion 
  • Amateur reporters putting themselves or others in harm's way to get the scoop - too many reporters harassing celebrities for photos 

The Guardian-

the guardian is the second most popular newspaper and the 4th most famous. The Guardian is described as intelligent, interesting, informative and was well written for politics

Daily Mail-

 is the 4th most popular newspaper and the most famous. Daily Mail is described by fans as in touch with ordinary people, informative, interesting and stand up for ordinary people.

Fix - addicted to news, need a 'fix'

Track - Accesses new regularly throughout the day to keep up to date

Fill - Is a commuter, uses it as a past time when traveling to work or has free time

Indulge - Make time to enjoy the news as a break from everything else in the day

Invest - read the news regularly to get an in-depth perspective on stories

Millennials -are more likely to adopt the fix and fill habits while boomers have more time to adopt the indulge and investing habits. these are people aged 30+

Boomers - 6pm news BBC, channel 4 has 7pm news (much more in depth), 10pm BBC news 

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