Thursday 13 December 2018

news paper constriction task

I was assigned to make a realistic daily mail news paper front cover out of the chosen story's that my teacher assigned.These consisted of story's that were fake and make up, this allowed us to have more freedom with the story as we could make it up.
 I could either make this front cover in publisher or InDesign, i chose to make it in publisher as i already know how it works and its simple.
I used various tools in publisher such as the font 'Georgia' to make the headline as this was the closest font to what the daily mail uses for their front covers.
The biggest obstetrical that i faced when making my front cover was trying to get the correct and most realistic proportions. it was difficult to try and get the size of the head line to fit so i had to reword it to make it fit perfectly.
I chose these story's as they allowed me to relate to the task as they are about personal interests as well as write about it story's that would interest the normal target market that the daily mail uses. I tried to make the front cover as realistic as i could and try and make it look like what the daily mail normally publishes.
Others said that my front cover looked realistic and like the normal front cover normally publishes, they also said to improve i could make the text bigger as its bigger on the real daily mail front cover.
I think that the story about the jungle went well and was the best part of my front cover as it looks the most realistic.

Monday 26 November 2018

Cons of online media:
  •  Only have 140 characters to tell the story - like on twitter 
  • Inaccurate and you will have lots of facts missing 
  • journalistic integrity can be compromised - can't trust a source too much as all journalists have their own opinion 
  • Amateur reporters putting themselves or others in harm's way to get the scoop - too many reporters harassing celebrities for photos 

The Guardian-

the guardian is the second most popular newspaper and the 4th most famous. The Guardian is described as intelligent, interesting, informative and was well written for politics

Daily Mail-

 is the 4th most popular newspaper and the most famous. Daily Mail is described by fans as in touch with ordinary people, informative, interesting and stand up for ordinary people.

Fix - addicted to news, need a 'fix'

Track - Accesses new regularly throughout the day to keep up to date

Fill - Is a commuter, uses it as a past time when traveling to work or has free time

Indulge - Make time to enjoy the news as a break from everything else in the day

Invest - read the news regularly to get an in-depth perspective on stories

Millennials -are more likely to adopt the fix and fill habits while boomers have more time to adopt the indulge and investing habits. these are people aged 30+

Boomers - 6pm news BBC, channel 4 has 7pm news (much more in depth), 10pm BBC news 

Sunday 25 November 2018

Why have print newspaper sales declined

  Newspapers have been in decline ever since the media was introduced, due to the media people spend most of their time on the social network as well as many other things. The newspaper companies have seen a gap in the market to generate even more publicity as well as brand awareness and have made a website where the public can go on and read the online articles. This has made the hard copy newspaper sales decrease as the public would be able to go on their phones or mobile devices and read the articles where ever they are at the time. This would be a benefit for their customers as they would also have the advantage of not paying for the paper as the website allows you to read the articles without paying whereas you would have to pay if you buy the print newspapers. But this is a disadvantage for the print companies as the sales have been decreasing each year due to the public not buying them.

Over the years many newspaper companies have either suffered or closed due to the lack of sales and income from the papers. The media is a big problem for the print newspapers as this is the biggest competition that they have to go up against, the media would result in them losing revenue which could lead to them going bust and failing.
The online newspaper website allows quicker up to date information on articles, this also allows the public to discuss with each other in the comments. They would be able to express their feelings with each other on each individual article and see what other people’s thoughts are.

The media would allow people to read the articles that they want to read whereas if the customer purchases a newspaper, they are limited on the news they can read. This would also benefit the companies that run the papers as the front cover would mostly determine which paper they would purchase. Such as if they had a less interesting front cover the public would choose a different brand as they would prefer to read something that interests them.

Most of the customers that read hard copy are the older generation this would affect the newspaper's sales due to the new and upcoming generation aren’t interested in reading the news. The middle and younger generation are more interested in reading magazines as they publish celebrity gossip and more human-interest topics that they would find interesting. Whereas newspapers publish more intellectual subjects that most aged 50 and over would find intriguing as they are the average age that reads newspapers.

The recent statistics show that less than 40% of adults who read Print newspapers are under 50, and less than 25% of Online Only readers are 50 or older. This shows that the older generation still purchases the hard copy newspapers but don’t read the online articles whereas it’s the opposite to the average middle aged as they don’t purchase the hard copy but they read the online articles that the papers publish. 

Saturday 24 November 2018

comparison between the guardian and daily mail

  • Look at the Guardian website/Daily Mail website and compare top five stories on each home page.
The top five stories on each home page are different due to the information as well as the different target markets. The Guardian as a higher aged target market compared to the daily mail as this also aims to publish the realist stories whereas the daily mail audience targets people that enjoy celeb gossip. The guardian targets the audience that includes ABC1 which are more intellectual and wouldn't enjoy celeb gossip.

  • As you scroll down the websites, are there any articles on the same stories?
In the Guardian, they have many stories on Brexit whereas the daily mail has multiple stories on celeb gossip. Both had stories on Brexit today but with different views, the Guardian published a story about how the country would fail if Brexit happens and the daily mail, however, wrote about how if Brexit happens this would lead to the country taking a step to becoming a better country.

  • When you find two of the same stories compare.

The daily mail and the guardian both have stories on Brexit and they also have different views and the daily mail are for Brexit and the guardian are against.
They both publish their views no matter what the public think, they are both strong views.

  • Then copy and paste some of the reader comments and reflect on what it says about them.

Daily mail-

Mother-of-two left seconds from death when she bit into a British Airways wrap that she didn't know contained sesame seeds after teen girl died eating a Pret a Manger sandwich on the same airline

    If you have an allergy like this you're in the minority, therefore you have to take precautions when choosing what you eat Companies can't cater for 1 in a million

    • Then look on social media and see what they have prioritized to post/reflect on reader comments there also.
    Online the daily mail talks about greenhouse gasses on there twitter warning the public about this but there is no news on the Brexit or any politics. 
    The guardian talks about Jeremy Corbin who is speaking about how the government are unrealistic. 
    Both of these are different from one another and shows how The Guardian focuses on politics and the Daily Mail focuses on the gossip and celebs. 

    The Guardian news values and target audience

    How do they sell their products to advertisers?Who do they claim to be? Who are they targeting?

    The Guardian sells their products in local shops that as well as the big shopping markets, this would apply to their target market due to them having a target market of middle-aged men. 

    The Guardian claims to be a broadsheet newspaper company that advertises specific news that interests their target market, they also claim to not seek money from their papers they only aim to publish the news.

    The Guardian targets an educated, middle-class, left-leaning, 18+ audience that would be interested in the type of news they advertise.  

    UK profile

    Tuesday 20 November 2018

    newspaper industries

    1 .   I believe that the aggregate advertising expenditure and net circulation figures equate to about half of their 2007 due to the technological advancement within the world the demand for the news digitally online is increasing. Therefore this is resulting in the decrease in hard copy's of news and sales, as customers believe that reading news is easier and more straight forward for the current population. 

    2.   The Audit Bureau of Circulations (UK) is a non profit organisation owned and developed by the media industry. ABC delivers industry-agreed standards for media brand measurement of print publications, digital channels and events. 

    3. Personally i believe that Sunday newspapers sell vastly as more people have free time and are usually not working therefore are in a tradition of purchasing a newspaper every Sunday. 

    4.   The leading broadsheet is Daily telegraph is the leading tabloid is the sun and the leading mid market is The daily mail All these newspapers used various pictures/headlines/content to help entice the audience leading to a vast audience...

    5. The guardian and the daily mail have different positions as the guardian is more realistic is shown to be the second most popular paper, but most popular mid market! Where as, the Guardian is shown to be towards the lower ends of the scale this could be due to the niche audience that is appealing to the paper, the daily mail is a  mid market therefore is has broadsheet and tabloid aspects therefore is will have a vast audience from both 

    6.  The Guardian Media group is owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose core purpose is to ensure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian, the papers values are to be honest, fair and bring integrity to the reader. This is therefore done by the independence of most news stories and ideas attracting a varied audience. This is shown through the investment of over £1 billion, then with most profits they reinvest into journalism to deliver the best quality news to the audience.

    7.  Personally in terms of digital distribution I believe the most important brand identity has to be about the online websites, as many commuters and other people have technological devices such as laptops and tablets that may not be able to download the application therefore it is easier to access the internet. E.g people on work breaks are predominantly at computers or desk tops therefore it is easiest to view; as most works now ban the use of 
    mobile phones within a certain block/building due to distraction.

    8. The Uk newspapers appear to be the least trusted in Europe, according to research by the European Broadcasting Union. It carried out surveys of 1000 members of the public in each of 33 European countries for its Trust in Media report. The Uk by far the least trusted 'written press' of any European country.

    9.  The Independent Press Standards Organisations are the regulators for most of the Uk's newspapers and magazines. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and maintain freedom of expression for the press. They make sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code.

    10.  Print display advertising revenue for the national UK newspapers has grown for the first time in more than seven years, according to a new report on ad expenditure. Display ads in national titles saw revenue growth of 1% year on year in the first quarter of 2018, putting it at a total of £152.6m for the period. Within tabloids print display advertising grew by 3% year on year.

    Thursday 15 November 2018


    There as four different types of printed newspapers they include:

    -broadsheet ~the guardian

    -tabloid ~the sun

    -mid-market tabloids ~ the daily mail

    -local newspapers ~ south London press

    The fourth estate 
    1. clergy

    2. monarchy

    3. wealthy business and upper class

    4. newspaper

    Subjective: Tabloid
    Objective: Broadsheet

    Different types of News:
    • Soft: Weather, Celebrity gossip or fashion.
    • Hard: Attacks, death, Politics, Science, War, Education, Health or World events.

    George Gerbner theory

    The repetition of images, stories etc, begin to shape our beliefs (dripping tap)


    Teenagers: moody, spotty, lazy
    Muslims: hijabs 
    Gypsy's: caravans, fighting 
    America: obese, loud 
    Doctors: clever, smart 
    Essex Girls: fake 

    an example of gerbners theory is as follows. 

    Wednesday 14 November 2018

    comparison of broadsheet and tabloid

    The Daily Mail 

                                                                                The Guardian 

    The Daily mail shows news that's happening within the public and more of a travesty story, whereas the guardian shows more of a political story as its about Brexit. They are both completely different story's as they attract different target audiences, such as the daily mail targets people with children as the women had five children and she died, this is more of a human interest story. Whereas the guardian has more of an older target audience as the story attracts people that follow political views. Both news articles show completely different story's that target different types of people.

    The language used in both are completely different as in the tabloid it shows more of a dramatic story as this is about someone that has had a travesty happen and has died of the result. This also shows conflict and human interest as the public would want to read about what has happened and tell others. Whereas in the broadsheet this shows a more formal story and more serious. The guardian has more serious wording and more detailed descriptions, as well as the title.

    The tabloid shows comments about what people are feeling and shows their sympathy, whereas in the broadsheet they have a discussion of what their own opinions as this is a topic that people have big debates on. The Guardian comments have more of a formal discussion and the daily mail shows a different discussion as they are showing their emotion.

    Technology, conventions and modern journalism

    newspaper terminology

    Tuesday 13 November 2018

    advantages and disadvantages of online news


    -easy accessible
    -reaches more customers/more popular
    -more interactive ~audience participation
    - free to read~ daily mail, the sun, guardian (1m subscribers)
    -daily telegraph, financial times, the times.
    -live updates

    -lack of data
    -bad for environment
    -pop ups are annoying
    -more in depth articles

    Thursday 8 November 2018

    fruitella advert


    gate keeping- decisions has to be passed though someone

    news value- scoring system

    threshold- bigger impact and reach of the story

    unexpectedness- event the shocks the ordinary

    negativity- bad news is more interesting

    elite persons/places- important people and powerful nations

    unambiguous- easy to understand

    personalisation- human interest 'real'

    proximity- closer to home

    continuity/currency- news that is already in the news but are continued. 

    Thursday 1 November 2018


    Stereotypes= audience instantly understands them.

    Archetypes= 'ultimate' stereotype

    Counter type= representation that challenges tradition stereotypical associations of groups, people or places.

    Dominant ideology-
    -physical able
    -middle class


    • the way which people events and ideas are presented to the audience. 

    Gatekeeper= person involved in media production with power to make a decision about something the audience are allowed to read hear or see. 

    Dr cages 

    D- disability 

    R- regional identity 

    C- class

    A- age 


    E- ethnicity 

    S- sexuality 



    high key= Bright, happy, Sunday

    low key =Dark, shadows

    Natural= everyday lighting

    3 main lighting 

    fill light
    back light
    key light

    chiaroscuro= light - dark

    M- music

    C- contractual/parallel- music opposite/right for the scene

    D-Dietetic, non dietetic- sounds actors hear/ cant hear 

    O- off screen- can hear but cant see

    V- voice over

    E- emotion

    D- dialogue- how did they express their voice

    Thursday 18 October 2018

    media industry

    What is the media industry? 

    The media industry can be defined by a collection of organisations, they share different production, publication and distribution of media texts. some of the examples of media organisations include-

    News Corp
    The Guardian

    the media texts can be entertaining and it could also be used to promote ideas or products for a company.

    Tuesday 2 October 2018


    Demographic profiling:

    A- higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors

    B- middle management, teachers

    C-junior management, nurses, supervisors, nurses, office 

    C2- skilled manual workers, plumber, builder

    D-semi skilled workers 

    E- unemployment, students 

    Psycho-graphic profiling:

    ASPIRES- seek status, care about appearance 

    SUCCEDERS-  seek control 

    RESIGNED- seek survival, older people

    EXPLORERS- seek discovery

    STRUGGLERS-seek escape 

    REFORMERS- seek enlightenment

    Wednesday 26 September 2018

    boyz in da hood

    • The camera zoomed into the stop sign to show that the things happening should stop.
    • camera uses crab left to look like were walking with the children.
    • ped up ped down was used to show all the rubbish the boy was standing on, as the streets aren't clean. 
    • low angle on the children in the class room, to show the children are innocent.  
    • high angle on the teacher to show that the teacher is more powerful and is in control of the children.
    Mise En Scene

    • Dogs are running around the streets with no owners that are spreading diseases.
    •  "Police line do not cross" bright yellow tape to symbolize caution.   
    • The costumes that the actors are wearing are over sized and look too big for them.


    • In beginning you can hear people aggressively swearing and saying negative comments. 
    • There is a sound of a gun in the opening scene with people screaming after it went off.
    • police calls "officer needs assistance".


    • The opening credits show the title grow from the background to big bold letters enabling the audience to read it after exceeding the screen to make it look like its going beyond the camera.
    • Real quotes appear on the screen that show true facts.
    • Mans blood fades into the children happy painting, to show the clear differences.


    Friday 21 September 2018

    ghost ship

    Four main techniques people recognize 

    -close up on the wire
    -birds eye: creates importance of the ship deck
    -the framing of girl > center film

    -happy music/ upbeat
    -intense music
    -music>echos quiet
    -sound of machinery
    -sound effects

    Mise en scene
    -a dark filter over the man who sets up the wire
    -red dress>danger
    -pink swirly writing
    -dark setting> hints at what is going to happen
    -spotlights slashing

    -mixtures of speeds and cut > confuses
    -changes mood
    -during the death scene it flicks between lots of different scene to fit the music

    Tuesday 18 September 2018

    first youtube post

    The task we got given was to create a short film using different effects, this was the final outcome of the clip i edited. This was the first video i edited, where i chose different clips and put effects on them to make them fit together. I also put background music in and edited the clips to fit around the music, i did this all on the app called premier pro. 

    Monday 17 September 2018

    camera shot angles and movement

     Different types of camera shots

    Close up shot is used a lot in the film industry, it is used to tightly zoom in to a person or an object. Close-up shots display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene.

     Medium long shot is used when a subject in the shot is showing information, it is the most common type to be used. It commonly used at the beginning of a new scene or location.   
     Big close up is used to tightly frame an object or a person, it is one of the standard shots used regularly in the film industry. This would normally be used to show detail and can also be used as a cut-in 

    An extreme long shot is a view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance. It makes people seem like indistinct shapes. It is generally used to set a scene, it normally shows an exterior object.

    This is used to make a person or an object appear as small dots in the landscape if at all, this allows the camera to show extreme detail that you would normally see in person. As it is too close to show emotion or reactions it would only be used in very dramatic scenes 

    Eye-level is when the camera is placed at the subject's height just like the actor is looking at the lens, this is used commonly as they show a neutral scene like two people talking to each other.  

    Longshot is used to make people appear as indistinct shapes as they are normally shot from considerable distance. This would typically show the entire human figure, it would be used when an actor is doing a physical activity.

    Low angle is where the camera is lower than the actor's height but is tilted up to show their face. this is used to make someone look more strong and powerful or makes them threatening. 

    Medium close up tightly frames a person or an object, they are one of the standard shots and is used regularly. This generally frames the subject from chest or shoulder up. 

    This shows part of the subject in more detail, typically from waist up. This is a common shot seen in a film, as it allows you to see the character but also see their surroundings.

    High angle is where the camera is placed about the subject's height and is pointed down on them. This created the effect that they are vulnerable, weak or frightened. 

    This is taken from directly overhead from the distance. the shot allows the audience to see a wider variety of their surroundings and is typically shot from a crane or a helicopter. This is used to show people moving. 

    Where the camera is set at an angle on its roll axis so that the horizon line is not level. This is normally to show a disoriented or uneasy psychological state.

    This is where the camera is close to the ground and is tilted upwards to the subject. It is normally used to show that someone is powerful. 

    This is used to show the subject and their surroundings in one shot, this is where the camera steps from side to side like a crab.  

    Ped up ped down is where the camera moves up and down to show the subject in more detail. 

    pan left pan right is used to show the different angles of the subject, it is where the camera mover left and right around the subject.

    Tilt up tilt down is where the camera stays eye level but tilts up and down.

    Track in track out is where the camera moves in and out but stays level with the subject. 

    Zoom in zoom out is where the camera stays in the same place but the camera zooms in and out.

    Thursday 13 September 2018

    big six

    The Big Six  

    summer work task 4-

    The 'big six' represent the six most popular companies within the film industry they are:

    • Walt Disney Pictures
    • Universal Studios
    • 20th-century fox
    •  Paramount 
    • Columbia Pictures.
    • warner bros pictures 

     This might become the 'big five' due to Disney buying 20th-century fox and then it would become the big five.

    The big five are the top six biggest film companies, they all own little companies that branch off which makes them more well known and creates more income.

    what other companies do the big six own?

    Walt Disney pictures - Marvel, Pixar, ABC television group, ESPN Inc, Walt Disney park and resort
    Universal Studios- NBC Universal, Universal Studios (theme park) 
    20th-Century Fox - Fox news, Fox music
    Paramount - CBS library
    Columbia Pictures- play station, Toshiba
    Warner Bros Pictures - DC comics

    Paramount Pictures- 

    The total worldwide income that Baywatch received was $177.8 million against a production budget of $69 million. Paramount advertised through television and youtube trailers. The release date that Baywatch came out was 29th may 2017.
    Actors = Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, David Hasselhoff, and Pamela Anderson.

    Walt Disney Studios-

    The total amount for the budget was 200 million USD  $504.382 million in 24 days of domestic release. The release date that Incredibles 2 came out was 13th July 2018.
    The most famous people that did the voice over was Samuel L Jackson and Craige T Nelson.

    Universal Studios-

    The total income that Jurassic world fallen kingdom received was $1 billion where the budget was set at $150 million USD. The release date that Jurassic world fallen kingdom previewed on was 6th June 2018. 
    Actors= Bryce Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt, Jeff Goldblum.

    20th Century Fox- 

    The film grossed $40 million worldwide against its $34 million production budget. The release date was 10th August 2018. 
    Actors=Amandla Stenberg, Gwendoline Christie

    Columbia Pictures- 

    It grossed over $962 million worldwide, becoming the fifth-highest-grossing film of 2017 and the 42nd-highest-grossing film of all time. The budget, however, was $90 million the release date was 20th December 2017. The famous actors were = Kevin Heart, Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Jack Black, Nick Jonas.

    Warner Bros Pictures-

    The total budget was $22 million whereas the total income was $64,668,768. The release date was 7th September 2018 with famous actors such as Taissa Farmiga and Bonnie Aarons.

    example for semiotics

    Denotation- There's a big monster shaped red-figure in the top above all the characters
    Connotation- This implies that its the villain due to the red coloring and the lightning suggesting its negative. 

    Denotation-  There's a little girl holding out her hands directly in the center

    Connotation- This suggests that she has powers or trying to stop something bad; she's protecting herself and her friends.
    Denotation- Three young boys at the front on old-fashioned bikes
    Connotations- This would imply that the series is set in the past as they are also wearing dated clothes.                                                                                                                                                     

    Denotation- Boy with a metal spiked rounders bat on the right   
    Connotations- This could indicate that there's something that he needs to fight as he's carrying around a weapon

    Denotation- Boy looking shocked in the center
    Connotation- This could imply that there's something to be scared of

    Denotation- Sheriff with a flashlight on the left
    Connotation- This would indicate that theres something that needs to be investigated 

    stranger things characters

    Representations Write a paragraph on each of these areas •Teenagers Main people who are showed throughout the episode, very impo...